Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello, Ladies! 

Remember the scene in Thornbirds  where the reference by Mary Carson (Barbara Stanwyck) to a buff-n-butt-naked Richard Chamberlain that her body is old but she has the passion of a young woman?  Well, who out there can't identify with that?  Over the years, I got to thinking ... why shouldn't we feel passionate, energized, creative, and gorgeous?  Why do we have to allow the world to make our life decisions based on a ticking clock?  After all, as the clock ticks away, so do our lives.  Should we let other people make our decisions for us ... especially when they are based on a mythical clock called Age.  Why is it that suddenly younger men are gravitating to older women like ducks on a June bug? 

Well, this site is for all the women out there who have something to say; they have something they know will benefit those younger women who find themselves lost or unable to find a willing heart or ear to just listen.  This is a place for older women to be who they are without pointing fingers and rule books created by their contemporaries who are too scared to be who they can really be at this age.  This site is for the woman who wants to live as fully as she is capable, and a place to go where she can find the guidance for that moment she needs just another woman's opinion.  ... not from advice of doctors or tight-assed old ladies afraid of what people think.  This is an open forum to share life stories of laughter, pain, regret, and joy.  It's a place to find some courage to do what you may only have thought of doing before.  Here's where you may learn for the first time to risk.  Aren't you tired of hearing things like:
  • Come on ... you're really too old to be doing that
  • You won't be doing that when you're my age.
  • Don't you think that dress is a little too young for you? 
  • You're really too thin.  You need to eat more.
  • My doctor says I'm perfectly normal. 
  • Women our age just sleep more. 
  • You're too old to wear your hair like that and you need to color it now.
  • You're going where alone? 
  • Don't you think he's far too young for you?  Can't you find somebody your own age?
If you dare to challenge all of these ill-conceived conceptions and are willing to put yourself out there, here's a good place to share your dreams and maybe find a way to have them come true.  Sometimes, all it takes is a nudge; sometimes we only need somebody else to confirm we aren't alone and our dreams are valid and can come true.  Somebody else out there may have the same wishes and already found a way to make them happen.  Share them! 

So, this site isn't for the timid.  This site is for the woman who wants to run with the wolves, who wants to shed the conceptions of age, and to do maybe what she has only dreamed of doing before.  Here you will find women just like you ... women who want to risk, run, laugh, and want to learn to shed the old lady shell. 

Step up ... share yourself.  After all, isn't there something you always wanted to do but couldn't for a variety of reasons?  Tell the rest of us about it.  After all, nobody knows anybody here.  Shed the shame.  Shed the guilt.  Share victories, accomplishments, failures, and those feelings of being alone.  And, if you have fun, tell other women you know.  Young, old, sick, well ... we're here to help each other.  Be daring ... become one of the Old Ladies Gone Wild.